The day my mind is still, it would be the final chapter for My Mind's Drama Copyrights@ Lilow 2004-2009

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Silence 2

Better than words,
Empathy speaks more,
Stronger than the mind denotations,
Those faulty connotations,
Only through feelings,
The picture is illuminated..

The invincible healer,
Waiting for an answer,
Anticipating for that channeling,
A tunnel to light,
As the mind crawls on,
Leaving the darkness,
Searching for peace..

A timed out moment,
Not a moment of escapism,
Eternal entity visits,
Muses are out to play,
Sending fresh vibes,
New images to be captured,
Added to my archives,

For my own scripture,
My lessons..
My history..


Blogger lanaibeach said...

No sound to hear
The distance becomes memory
The cruel changes of destination
The years had gone
It is buried in experience
As one grows become wiser

The silence caresses the soul
The empathic listening to see it through
The understanding of what need to do
The gift of one meditation
The buried treasures in the soul

Walking back in time
The silence makes one realize
There is good in silence
It shakes the ubiquitous dusk

Sometimes it can be a paradise island
The healing of souls
To see the world again

The rustic feeling
Silence comes to stay
To make it whole
As history tells a story

The capture of peace and harmony
Where one meditates for inner purity

9:21 PM

Blogger Lilow said...

Haha..we need a balance of both vava, i do agreed its going to be quiet without noise. Somehow, without noise, you willl never understand the meaning of silence :P

9:53 AM

Blogger Pallavi said...

Silence speaks volumes !! :) you just have to hear it

1:58 PM


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