The day my mind is still, it would be the final chapter for My Mind's Drama Copyrights@ Lilow 2004-2009

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Broken Spirit

The broken spirit,
Lost its zest,
Shines no brighter than a dying star

The broken spirit,
Shattered by love,
Cursed thee self from resurrection

The broken spirit,
Dresses for the world,
With eye shadow and fake blush,
A glow that never last,
So the world could be oblivious,

Thee walk the earth,
As sun rise and set,
Yet all is plain black,
Time is infinity…

Oh broken spirit,
Weep no more please,
There are some,
Who see through your veil,
Know not what to do..


Blogger lanaibeach said...

Broken spirit
It happens to many people
Of any ages of any nationalities
It is how one got it made

It is life’s journey
One has to experience it
Sometimes in younger years
Sometimes in adult world

Learn by it
Fear not of life wayward
It is just a road sign
Telling one shouldn’t be afraid
Every time you take a new road

Treasure the sweet and sour tastes
Of life’s journey to curve a new horizon
It is there one would make it
Just don’t feel helpless and fear in the head

Broken spirit
It won’t go away
Knowing it is battle won
So get moving
Learn the way of one’s journey

11:10 AM


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