The day my mind is still, it would be the final chapter for My Mind's Drama Copyrights@ Lilow 2004-2009

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Spin O' Spin

The wheel spins on,
Turning rapidly, eternally,
Thou afraid that it will stop,
As vision becomes clearer,
Forgotten scene forms again..

Thou let it spin on,
Vision continues to be blurred,
Only colourful lines wraps the scene,
Changing as the clock tick,
Feeling safe in this warp..

Thy body is frail,
Endless spinning detoriates it,
Thy heart is also weak,
When spinning stops,
It continues to bleed,
Thy heart or thy body?

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Battle of Id

To live cowardly is to live in redundant,
Traces not left,
Presence unfelt,
Transparent in history,
Soul is non-existant

Fear weaves a web of lies,
Imprisoning the Id,
Wailing to be released,
As Super-ego lives in domination,
Ego gradually became suicidal,
Switched into self-destruct mode..

As Ego withers away,
Sight became polluted,
Colours became monochrome,
How barren are the surroundings,
Only a sting is felt…

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Peach

Before the seed could burst open,
Winter came along and kept it dormant
Before the roots could sprout longer,
Few grubs ate it with much delight,
Before the leaves could grow wider,
Miss grasshopper took it for lunch,
Before the bud could blossom further,
The scorching sun took its life away,
Before the flower could meet the bee,
A girl came to pluck it away,
The peach tree remain fruitless,
For many, many years,
Its fragrant and sweetness,
Lingers as secret forever,

Oh, what a pity!
To live in such fate..