The day my mind is still, it would be the final chapter for My Mind's Drama Copyrights@ Lilow 2004-2009

Friday, January 27, 2006

Did I cheat Death?

Two whistling idiots,
Sitting inside a lorry,
Teasing like hyenas..

I cursed silently inside,
As it wheezes pass me..

A gush of wind,
Slapped on my face,
A door swept across my nose..

I looked to the left,
And catch a glimpse,
Of a backdoor carelessly shut..

If I were a step in front,
Would've saw my head detached,
Or suffer brain damage..

I'm just an inch from death.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Stains of Childhood

Let thee break away,
From the body mould by yesteryear,
Nothing but stains of childhood,
The eyes creates thee's epic,
Learned by innocent eyes,
Captured from the surroundings,
Need a recipe of thee's own

Scrubbed and rubbed,
Tore and bleached,
Repainted and refurnished,
The stains keep returning,
Haunting thee from within..

Won't thy take thee away,
Help thee in this quest,
To answer thee's deepest questions,
Of uncertainty,
Of worth of existence,
Return thee's lost passion to live,
Or bury thee beneath the ground..

Wake up no more,
The more thee discover,
The truth is more apparent,
A karmic mirror that is found,
Thee refuse to look,
Thee is afraid,
That woman reflects thee,
All that thee despise,
Where is thee?
Who is thee?

Monday, January 23, 2006


Empty mind with endless plans,
Missing will to succeed any,
Soul who lost its passion to life,
Dreams and hopes seems ambiguous..

Truth or lies, the heart is blind,
Fail to see or hear or feel,
Mind that lets the ear controls,
Trusting in every fool's superstition..

Poetry is the cries of the heart,
Unpainted vision of the eyes,
Why do it gave much comfort,
Once given a form to exist..

Mutterings and mumblings,
Voices in the head,
Stop these endless chatters,
Unite them into one..

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year Resolution

Resolutions are crap,
Sticks not on my back,
The more I plan,
The more I slack..

Routines makes me run,
Resolutions are mental chains,
Spontaneity is my game,
Gives me burst of surprises..

This year would be plain,
I'll listen to my heart,
Vague resolutions are made,
As only guidelines to the soul...

I'll let my mind be free,
For muses to whisper upon,
I'll be kinder to myself,
Spend more time with my spirit..

I'll free my musical mind,
From being tied down by work,
An hour or two a day,
For creativity to take its course...

My body is not a machine,
As I will remind myself,
Let it recharge at night,
To give its best next day..

Money is such a headache,
Friends are great relief,
I thank them for being there,
Love them to my end..