The day my mind is still, it would be the final chapter for My Mind's Drama Copyrights@ Lilow 2004-2009

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Story of Eyinil

Eyinil the eccentric child,
Sees her world like her books,
Ordinary places became extraordinary,
Tall grass fields seems like meadows,
Midnight are bewitching hours,
Magic energy and muses exist,
Her toys comes alive at night,
Others find her weird,
A social failure,
Pushed inwards..
Deep into her own narration..

Eyinil broke her silence,
She revisits her reality,
Dwells in it during the day,
Returns home at night,
Back to her imaginary friends,
Her imaginary world,
Only imaginary to the eyes of others..

To Eyinil,
Imaginary does not exist,
A fraction of her life,
The wonder pillow,
Keeps her warm and loved,
Answers to her many doubts,
Free from reality’s nightmare..

Eyinil the strong bloom,
Immortal and bland,
The warrior who survived,
From ridicule to blues,
Constantly revolting for peace,
Battle within the Self,
Morbid fascination of the mind,
To reclaim Solace Kingdom..

Gentle night breeze teases,
Her gaze fixed to the moon,
Eyinil smiles to herself,
Admiring its beauty,
No idle thoughts,
Worry not of what the others think,
Blissful in both worlds,
Solace Kingdom in her heart,
Till Eyinil crosses over..


Blogger lanaibeach said...

Don’t lose confidence
It comes in many disguises
You use it
The journey of a better world

The drum beats everywhere
It filters in the air
It meanders in your mind
Others want you to do
The clique
The gang
The group
Yet you have your own way
To get the message across the day

Of course you can’t stay away
The lively interaction on the move
If you can’t get it
You have other ways
To stay connected in your world

19/5/05 9.46am

9:46 AM

Blogger Pallavi said...

beautiful :) and how was your weekend .. by the way started another blog..
check this out ...


6:17 PM


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