The day my mind is still, it would be the final chapter for My Mind's Drama Copyrights@ Lilow 2004-2009

Friday, August 20, 2004

Dark Thoughts when Pain Surface

The prick on my chest,
the pain in my heart,
It Hurts when i remember,
I'm jaded when i meet you..

Past betrayal and lies,
It's forgiven but not forgotten,
A world so beautifully told,
The innocent mind who believes,
In all the joy and promises you gave,
Taken away in a snap

My tears refused to fall,
My chest felt tight,
I try to hold my words back,
The ill and fiery words,
Sharp as an athame's end;
Waiting to be thrust upon you.

The sadist act of the mind,
My guardian halted me,
Let it bypass, let it be,
Hurt not another soul,
Out of my suffering ego,
It's not worth the cost.

It's like exploding the sun,
Creating a black hole,
the gravity so strong,
Sucks the whole galaxy in,
Deep into the pitch black spot,
Silence in the end...


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